

A Guide to Facebook Image Sizes

Images and Videos have become the most effective ways to convey your brand on social media; we have compiled all the specific dimensions and a few quick tips to help you decide which image best fits each position.

Facebook Image Sizes

With billions and billions of monthly active users, Facebook is the world’s largest social network. One bad image choice could spell the difference between attracting and engaging with this huge user base and being completely ignored.

Always remember there’s a difference between how things will display on your personal timeline and how things will display in a user’s newsfeed.

Profile Picture: 180 x 180 (Displays 170 x 170 on Desktop)

Profile Picture: 180 x 180 (Displays 170 x 170 on Desktop)

Image Guidelines

      • Must be at least 180 x 180 pixels.
      • Profile pictures are located 16 pixels from the left and 176 pixels from the top of your cover photo on the desktop.

Cover Photo: 820 x 312

Cover Photo: 820 x 312

Your Facebook cover photo gives you more freedom to choose something creative. Use this space to post something that speaks more toward your brand.

Image Guidelines

      • Appear on page at 820 x 312 pixels. Anything less will be stretched.
      • Minimum size of 400 x 150 pixels.

Shared Image: 1200 x 630

Shared Image: 1200 x 630

A shared image is one of the most common forms of sharing on Facebook. These images will always appear on your timeline.

Image Guidelines

      • Recommended upload size of 1200 x 630 pixels.
      • Will appear in feed at a max width of 470 pixels – will scale to a max of 1:1
      • It will appear on the page at a max width of 504 pixels – will scale to a max of 1:1